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Friday, August 11, 2023

Stark Drop Overseas Pakistanis' Remittances Witness 19% Decline

  Stark Drop: Overseas Pakistanis' Remittances Witness 19% Decline


In recent times, the global landscape has witnessed significant fluctuations in economies, and Pakistan is no exception. One of the key contributors to Pakistan's economy has been the remittances sent by overseas Pakistanis. However, a sharp decline of 19% in remittances has recently captured the attention of economists, policymakers, and the general public alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind this stark drop in overseas Pakistanis' remittances, its potential implications, and the measures that could be taken to address this issue.

Understanding Remittances and their Importance

Remittances refer to the money earned by individuals working in a foreign country and sent back to their home country, often to support their families and contribute to their home economy. For Pakistan, remittances have traditionally been a significant source of foreign exchange, contributing to economic stability, poverty reduction, and balance of payments.

The Decline: Unpacking the Factors

Several factors have converged to result in the recent 19% decline in remittances from overseas Pakistanis:

Global Economic Uncertainty: The ongoing global economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to job losses, salary cuts, and reduced working hours in various sectors. This has directly impacted the earnings of overseas Pakistanis, subsequently affecting their ability to send remittances.

Travel Restrictions: Travel restrictions and lockdowns imposed in response to the pandemic have disrupted the movement of people across borders. Many Pakistani workers have been unable to travel to their host countries, leading to reduced opportunities for earning income.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Exchange rate volatility can have a significant impact on the value of remittances received by recipients in Pakistan. Sudden fluctuations can discourage overseas Pakistanis from sending money back home due to concerns about the value of their remitted funds.

Diaspora's Economic Conditions: The economic conditions of the countries where overseas Pakistanis are residing also play a crucial role. If those economies experience a downturn, it can affect job prospects and income levels, thereby affecting remittance outflows.

Digital Disruption: While digital platforms have made remittance transfers more convenient, they often come with transaction fees. If these fees are high, it might dissuade overseas Pakistanis from using these platforms to send money back home.

Implications for Pakistan's Economy

The decline in remittances has several potential implications for Pakistan's economy:

Foreign Exchange Shortage: A significant drop in remittances can lead to a shortage of foreign exchange, affecting the country's ability to pay for imports and service external debts.

Reduced Consumer Spending: Remittances are often used for personal consumption and investment in Pakistan. A decline in remittances can lead to reduced consumer spending and economic activity.

Pressure on Exchange Rates: The reduced inflow of foreign currency can put pressure on the Pakistani rupee's exchange rate, potentially leading to depreciation.

Poverty and Unemployment: Many families in Pakistan rely on remittances for their basic needs. A decline can increase the vulnerability of these households to poverty and unemployment.

Addressing the Issue

To mitigate the decline in remittances and their potential consequences, several steps can be taken:

Diversification of Overseas Employment: Exploring new markets and industries for overseas employment opportunities can reduce the impact of economic downturns in specific countries.

Financial Incentives: Introducing incentives for overseas Pakistanis, such as reduced transaction fees for remittances, can encourage them to continue sending money through formal channels.

Exchange Rate Stability: Efforts to stabilize the exchange rate can provide confidence to overseas Pakistanis that their remittances will retain their value.

Skill Development Programs: Investing in skill development programs can make overseas Pakistanis more competitive in the job markets of their host countries, potentially leading to higher remittances.

Digital Literacy: Promoting digital literacy among overseas Pakistanis can encourage them to use online platforms for remittance transfers, reducing transaction costs.


The 19% decline in overseas Pakistanis' remittances is a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of global economies and the impact of external factors on a nation's financial stability. While the current situation presents challenges, it also underscores the need for innovative strategies to support the remittance flow and ensure the well-being of both the diaspora and the homeland. By fostering resilience, embracing digital solutions, and exploring new avenues of employment, Pakistan can work toward stabilizing its economy and mitigating the impact of remittance fluctuations in the future.

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